Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Blog is Born

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, in all it's newborn glory. After careful consideration and a lot of planning (read little consideration and minimal planning), I decided to name this blog "Think Bowl," a play on the words "Think Tank." Maybe not so witty, but I thought "Think Tank" was rather dry.

Anyway, welcome to "Think Bowl: Thoughts in Chi." This blog was born of careful ruminating on my part here and here, in addition to a general desire to create some sort of "we" space that the people of Chichester (well, namely my friends for now) may come together and exchange/share ideas.

And there's the catch: this blog must be bigger than me in order for it to be a success. I have my own blog here, but that's only the self of the self, culture, nature trio that makes up life. In order to succeed, I need you, yes you, to join this blog and share with us your marvelous thoughts. Without that, this blog is nothing.

I really do hope that this blog manages to live on past me, or at least past my leaving Chi. I could think of no greater legacy of my Chichester education than to leave this blog forever on the internet to spark the minds of future Chichesterians, or Chichester Alumni (as many of us will be in only a few months) in years to come. I realize that's a tad grandiose (yeah, just a tad), but if you don't think big, you might as well not think at all.

As I said, you're needed to make this work. If you want to join this experiment, either e-mail me or leave a comment leaving your e-mail address. Then I can send you an invitation to join the "members" of this blog, allowing you to post to your hearts desire. And a word on posts: feel free to post on anything you desire, no matter what you think others might think of it / care of it. This is an arena for thoughts to flourish, not to flounder.

Thanks again for your time and attention. I hope you find this site useful, and even at times entertaining and enlightening.

Your Faithful Founder,
Dave Darmon


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I made an account just for you, Dave. My email is Don't spam me or I'll kill you. Thanks.


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