Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Obscene images now illegal for everybody?

Copied and pasted from another source:

‘‘§ 2252C. Misleading words or digital images on the Internet
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Whoever knowingly embeds words or digital images into the source code of a website with the intent to deceive a person into viewing material constituting obscenity shall be fined under this title and imprisoned for not more than 10 years.
‘‘(b) MINORS.—Whoever knowingly embeds words or digital images into the source code of a website with the intent to deceive a minor into viewing material harmful to minors on the Internet shall be fined under this title and imprisoned for not more than 20 years.
‘‘(c) CONSTRUCTION.—For the purposes of this section, a word or digital image that clearly indicates the sexual content of the site, such as ‘sex’ or ‘porn’, is not misleading.
‘‘(d) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section—HR 4472 EAS
‘‘(1) the terms ‘material that is harmful to minors’ and ‘sex’ have the meaning given such terms in section 2252B; and ‘‘(2) the term ‘source code’ means the combination of text and other characters comprising the content, both viewable and nonviewable, of a web page, including any website publishing language, programming language, protocol or functional content, as well as any successor languages or protocols.’’.
(b) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sections for chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2252B the following:
‘‘2252C. Misleading words or digital images on the Internet.’’.

This basically means that it is now illegal to link to images of obscene nature without giving a warning. Not just for minors, but for everyone. True, it is a practice that is generally frowned upon, but making it illegal? The government is infringing on some of our freedoms, here.


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Fuck the government. Especially censorship laws.


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