Sunday, March 26, 2006

Lifetime++: A World and a Life Away

[Cross-Posted on Fourth Turning of the Wheel]

In 18 years, where will I be? My first reaction to that question is, "How the hell should I know?" If you'd asked me a year ago where I'd be in a year, I would haven't guessed anything close to my present state, and that's with me being required to stay in the same place because of restrictions.

However, that out of the way, let me give a possible solution. In 18 years, I'll be 36 and a half years old. At that point, I'll have been out of academia, at least as a student, for at least 10 years. That leaves me ten years to be just about anywhere in the world. Not to mention the 8 years spent in academia that would mold and shape my future.

Now, if I had a choice, I'll be doing something fulfilling. Well, that's a little vague. Hopefully I'll be doing research in nanobiotechnology that will get us / have gotten us out of the fuel quagmire we're currently in. I'll be continuing in my studies, because at that point I'll have to just to keep up.

The career is done. What else is there? Relationships? I don't know. I suppose that (hopefully) by that point I'll have developed my social skills to the point that I can easily deal in extroversion and introversion. I suppose if I'm going to get married I'll have done so by then. In fact, if I'm going to have kids, I'll have done so by then. Wow, in 18 years I'll be married and have kids. How the hell does that happen?

As I write this, I'm realizing how incredibly superficial all my answers are. I don't really feel like anything I'm saying I'll get done will actually add to the world. Maybe if I'd said, "Solve world hunger," or something like that. It just seems like all of the things I'm hoping to accomplish could already be easily accomplished right now. Interesting.

Maybe you guys will do better with this. Or maybe I'm just too stuck up in "the now" to think that far ahead.


In terms of other interests, I hope I'll still be health


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