Friday, September 22, 2006

College and Stuff

Woah, Blogger. It's been a while old friend.

Anyway, John's post a week ago prompted me to dust off my blogging-pants and put something up here. You know, since I went through the trouble of creating this as a "free place to exchange thoughts." So, let the thought exchange begin.

What to talk about? What better topic than college. I mean, about 90% of the "members" of this blog are there, and the other 10% probably wants to know about it. In which case, let's talk.

My experience:

College isn't really that much different from high school. Let me explain.

In terms of "freedom" (the holy grail of higher education), I see no noticeable difference. That is, unless you had no independence at all during your pre-college years. I for one had plenty (or maybe my definition of freedom might be slightly less expansive than others in certain areas... hack cough). Then again, I'm not really utilizing all the possiblities available to me. I've limitted myself to this little 5 by 10 meter room. Why? Because I'm really freakin' comfortable here, duh! The expansion will come later.

In terms of academics, I've been having a hell of a boring time. I like to call it high school, remix. But that'll vary by institution and by your major. I happened to pick an institution that makes you take it's intro to Chem class NO MATTER WHAT. Bummer, but that's life.

In terms of social life, well, hehehe. I realize I'm not the person to come to for that. I like the high school version: leave school time, free time, and social time seperate. I realize a lot of people don't like that model, but it works for me. And what works for me... works for me!

I'm sure there are other areas of concern, I just can't think of them right now. Why? Because I'm tired and I have to get up at 0700 tomorrow for an XC race.

I hope this has been helpful. It feels good to write again.



At 8:35 PM, Blogger John said...

Ah, good to see something new here.
Also, I do like the system of seperated school, free, and social time. It just seems logical to get school done first so I can do other things later.
Although this is what I think, my bad habit of procrastination sometimes makes me violate my own principals.
Ah well. I get my work done in the end.


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